Character of a newsroom revealed in different personalities

By Mary Kate Brogan

Every person is a part of what make a newsroom work, but with every person comes a different personality, and some personalities butt heads more than others. Adrianne Henderson’s session, I’m Sorry, Is MY PERSONALITY Getting In The Way?, was an insightful look into the different personalities in a newsroom.

A description of the True Colors personalities. Image courtesy of Texas A&M and Head Start of Greater Dallas.
A description of the True Colors personalities. Image courtesy of Texas A&M and Head Start of Greater Dallas.

The session consisted of a discussion of the results of a short True Colors Personality Test that each individual took upon coming into the room. From this test, individuals determined if they were predominantly blue, green, gold or orange.

I learned that I’m predominantly blue, which means I care a lot about others, but people sometimes make assumptions that I’m too emotional because of this. Henderson addressed how the people in the room can deal with each type of person. In dealing with a particularly emotive blue, it’s helpful to make sure you’re listening to other people’s perspectives because the blue won’t want anyone to feel left out. People should also consider putting criticism a bit more gently for a blue as they might be more likely to take it personally if you say it too bluntly.

This session was particularly helpful overall because it taught me that there is a need for each type of personality to make a newsroom work. If we can respect those personality differences, the newsroom will work well together.